Bathtub Reglazing in Yaphank
Being able to enjoy a beautiful tub in your bathroom is not impossible, even when you have a tub that is 20 plus years old. Bathtub reglazing services can help Yaphank homeowners keep their tub in its best condition, even if it is old. Refinishing services will save you money over a tub replacement because you will not have to pay for permits, licensing, and other things that raise the cost of the job. When you do have your tub repainted, all blemishes and imperfections that are present will be erased before the new glaze is applied. Your newly revitalized tub will look and shine like it is brand new.
Before and After

Yaphank Tile Refinishing Service
Often time, homeowners think the only thing that can be reglazed is the tub. While it is one of the popular fixtures that does receive reglazing services, it is not the only one. Your bathroom tiles can be reglazed as well. Tile refinishing Services allow you to restore the glossy appearance that your now dull tiles used to have. The reglazing process is beneficial to all Yaphank homeowners because it is affordable, quick, and eco-friendly.

Bathroom Refinishing Service
If your bathroom fixtures have seen better days, you are not alone. There are many homeowners who still have bathroom fixtures that are so old they don’t even make them in the same color anymore. Bathroom refinishing services can help you erase the age from your toilet, sink, urinal, and shower stall and get a beautiful, new, modern look in no time. Our team repairs any damage that your fixtures currently have prior to reglazing the surface so that they are flawless when they are finished.
Kitchen Refinishing Services in Yaphank
Kitchen countertops are helpful as they hold your appliances, dishware, pots, pans, and so much more. Without them, you would have a lot less space. With time, your counters will experience and show wear such as burn marks, scratches, chips, and stains. Eliminating these blemishes does not always happen with elbow grease. When you find that your counters are simply ready for a facelift, consider countertop refinishing. You will be able to give the counter a second chance and extend is life at the same time. In addition to countertop refinishing, our team also provides kitchen cabinet resurfacing.