Bathtub Reglazing in Syosset
Having bathtub reglazing performed in your Syosset home can elevate your tub and take it from old and outdated to modern and sleek. Reglazing services are the perfect choice for most homeowners because it does not cause a big mess and is less time-consuming. Oh, in addition, you can save money. Your tub will look and feel as though it is brand new and the only one who will know the real secret is you.
Before and After

Syosset Tile Refinishing Service
The tiles in your bathroom take a beating over the years and are exposed to moisture, soap, and other chemicals that can cause the gloss and shine on them to wear down and disappear. Tile refinishing can quickly get your bathroom floor, wall, and shower stall tiles shining bright again. Repainting of your tiles allows you to change the color of the tile and style them with any texture you want as well.

Bathroom Refinishing Service
Your bathroom fixtures such as the toilet, sink, and shower stall are some of the most used and relied on. Because of this, they are prone to more wear than other areas. Bathroom refinishing is an affordable alternative to traditional bathroom remodeling. Not only will it increase your home’s property value, but it will also provide you with a bathroom that you are happy to show off to your guests.
Kitchen Refinishing Services in Syosset
A central gathering area within your home is the kitchen. Its appearance and functionality are key to whether you will have a good or bad day. If you have outdated or stained counters or cabinets, now is the perfect time to learn about our kitchen refinishing services. Resurfacing your kitchen counters and cabinets allows you to customize them to be more modern and meet your needs. Not only that – you will save money and increase your home’s value.