Bathtub Reglazing in Lynbrook
When your tub starts to take on an ugly appearance that you no longer desire, consideer bathtub reglazing. You will find that reglazing is an alternative to tub replacement that will cost you less and save you time. Let's face it, most of us don't have time for a replacement so we just deal with our outdated or damaged tub. You no longer have to do this. Our tub reglazing services provided throughout Lynbrook are the solution. Our team reglazes all types of tubs including antique, clawfoot, acrylic, and porcelain.
Before and After

Lynbrook Tile Refinishing Service
Your bathroom tiles tend to wear down over time and that eye popping color and shine they once had may be gone. With tile refinishing, you can restore that vibrant color and shiny gloss. Our team is able to repaint your bathroom floor, shower stall, and wall tiles. You can choose from many different textures, colors, and styles to suit your needs and design preferences.

Bathroom Refinishing Service
The fixtures in your bathroom are a focal point which means you and your guests see them immediately upon entering. Bathroom refinishing can restore the look of your outdated, stained, or old fixtures in no time. No more worrying about a remodeling mess, cost, or downtime. Reglazing is very affordable and only takes a day to complete. Our team is able to reglaze your toilet, urinal, sink, and shower stall for you.
Kitchen Refinishing Services in Lynbrook
Kitchens are a central hub in your home and with that being said, it is important for them to be functional and beautiful. Kitchen countertops that are worn down, stained, or warped are unsightly and unpleasant to cook or serve on. Countertop refinishing is designed to makeover your counters and restore their beauty. You can choose from many different finishes and colors including some that mimic granite and marble. In addition to our refinishing services for your counters, we can also resurface your kitchen sink, backsplash, and cabinets.