Bathtub Reglazing in Brentwood
Getting the bathroom of your dreams may seem like a far stretch when you have a tub that simply looks horrible. Your tub should not only be pretty, but it should be a spot where you can relax and find some serenity. Stains, chipping paint, and a peeling surface make it nearly impossible to even look, let alone, lay in the tub. Bathtub reglazing services can restore your tub’s appearance the same day and within 24 hours, you can be back to using it. Our refinishers are ready to work with you to give your tub a fresh new look.
Before and After

Brentwood Tile Refinishing Service
Unfortunately, many homeowners do not know what they are getting themselves into when they choose to replace their bathroom tiles. Most think that it is their only option. Replacing your tiles is expensive and very time consuming, and inconvenient, especially if you only have a one bathroom home. Tile refinishing is an excellent alternative that allows you to achieve the same results but with a lower cost, no long wait times, and no inconvenience. Repainting your tiles will give them an updated look and allows you to address any color change you want to make along with damage repair. Our team also offers regrouting services to protect your tiles.

Bathroom Refinishing Service
Your bathroom fixtures are prominent in your bathroom and your eyes along with your guests’ eyes will immediately go right to them. Cracks, chips, and stains detract from the beauty of the fixtures and may have you thinking that your only option is to replace them. Bathroom refinishing allows you to achieve the same results as replacement without actually having to replace them. Our team can repaint your toilet, shower stall, urinal, and sink to ensure you have a modern and beautiful bathroom.
Kitchen Refinishing Services in Brentwood
The homes throughout Brentwood are beautiful and charming but an outdated kitchen can detract from that small town charm. Kitchen cabinets, sinks, and counters wear down over time and can start to show signs of aging such as fading, discoloration, and even burn marks. While replacement is an option, it is a costly one that is not always feasible for most. Kitchen refinishing addresses your surfaces and restores them to their original condition while leaving you with beautiful surfaces you cannot resist.