Bathtub Reglazing in Baldwin
Bathtub reglazing is an excellent alternative to bathroom remodeling and can increase the value of your home’s property. Reglazing services are done within one day and you can start to use your tub just 24 hours after service. No matter the type of tub you have in your home, reglazing is a wonderful option that allows you to get many more years of use out of it. You will not only love the way your tub looks, but you will enjoy slipping into it for a night of relaxation. If you are worried about the unsightly color of your tub, have no fear. You can choose from a variety of different colors.
Before and After

Baldwin Tile Refinishing Service
After you use your tub and shower for years, the grout starts to wear down and become mildewed and the tiles lose their glossy appearance. This often causes homeowners to become unhappy with the way the space looks and leaves them wanting more. While tile replacement is an option, it is not your only option. In fact, tile refinishing is an alternative to replacement and will save you time and money. Your wall, floor, and shower stall tiles can be repainted both quickly and easily by a professional. Once the reglazing has been performed, you will be left with tiles that are glossy, shiny, and look new.

Bathroom Refinishing Service
Cracks, chips, discoloration, and water stains occur on bathroom fixtures and leave homeowners exploring their options to get rid of them. Replacing your bathroom fixtures can be quite expensive and then there is the downtime involved with it. Bathroom refinishing allows you to keep your current fixtures while repairing any current damage to them and then styling them the way you want. For example, you can choose different colors for your sink. Repainting your bathroom fixtures will save you time and increase the overall value of your Baldwin property at the same time.
Kitchen Refinishing Services in Baldwin
Over their lifetime, kitchen sinks, countertops, and cabinets start to wear down and this leaves them looking dull, scratched, or discolored. Older wood cabinets can start to lose their varnish and older countertops can start to warp. When your counters and cabinets are in relatively good condition other than their appearance, you can choose to have countertop refinishing or cabinet resurfacing performed. The process of refinishing allows you to achieve an updated and modern look without paying for replacement. You can choose from a number of different finishes and styles to really pull off the look you want in your home.