Bathtub Reglazing in Calverton
Quickly transform your bathroom into a space that you want to show off with bathtub reglazing services. Reglazing is designed to add life back into your tub and restore it to its original condition. You will not have the hassle, worry, or expense of a replacement weighing on you wither. There is no messy construction or demolition work, and you can get back to enjoying your tub in just 24 hours. Choosing tub reglazing in Suffolk County will ensure that you have a tub you are proud of.
Before and After

Calverton Tile Refinishing Service
Just because your tiles are outdated or stained does not mean that you have to replace them. In fact, replacing them can be very costly and lead to downtime of your bathroom. This just isn’t ideal if it is the only bathroom in your home.tile refinishing is convenient, simple, easy, and affordable. It has been deemed a great alternative to bathroom remodeling. You can restore your tiles and enjoy newly colored and glossy floor, shower stall, and wall tiles.

Bathroom Refinishing Service
The sink in your bathroom is one of the most used places as you wash your hands here, grab water when it is quickly needed, and even brush your teeth. Because the sink sees a lot of activity, it is prone to showing wear over the years. Wear can appear as discoloration, fading, staining, or even chips and scratches. Sink reglazing can restore the look of your bathroom sink in no time. In addition to sink repainting, our team can reglaze your toilet, shower stall, and urinal.
Kitchen Refinishing Services in Calverton
If you have a home that was built several decades ago, then you likely have a countertop that is outdated. Along with that comes staining, years of wear, and maybe some scratches, chips, and warping. Fortunately, countertop refinishing is affordable and can restore your counters without having to replace them. You can increase your property value simply through resurfacing your counters, cabinets, and sink. One reason many Calveton homeowners choose refinishing is because they can choose from multiple styles to include marble and granite.